About Studio Véron

Hello there.... my name is Claire and I am the designer behind Studio Véron.

Studio Véron is a boutique graphic design agency that was created following a move from London to Paris during the pandemic. The name comes from Rue Véron, the first street I lived on in beautiful Montmartre. It was also an actual studio and the smallest place I have ever lived. I stayed there for six months, most of which was under strict lockdown and curfew rules. In an attempt to not go completely insane I studied French and started the transition from my freelance work in London into creating Studio Véron. Below is the answer to three important questions; why, how and what is Studio Véron?

Why Studio Véron?

After many years of working with large corporate clients in London I wanted to get more personal, leave my corporate day job and help other people do the same thing. My aim was to attract clients that I am aligned with and help them transform their lives and business ideas into something real. Turning a side hustle into a sophisticated and professional looking branded business or re-branding to reflect their brand journey to date. Most of all I want to give people confidence in their business by creating brands that they are proud of and that tells their own personal brand story.

How can Studio Véron help you?

Studio Véron is a full service boutique graphic design agency that creates beautifully designed brand identities backed with brand strategy. Through brand strategy I help people realise their own personal brand vision. With beautifully well thought out designs I create their brand. Finally I share a fully designed brand and strategy to help grow their business. Which leads to my tagline: Realise. Create. Grow.

Studio Véron is based in Paris, I work online and I also travel to London regularly.

What does Studio Véron offer?

I have broken my offer into three packages:

01 / Brand Identity - Essentials - This package gives you a bespoke brand identity, created from a combination of soulful strategy and beautifully designed visual elements that communicate your brand story, allowing you to attract and connect with your ideal clients.

02 / Brand Identity - Flourish - This package gives you all the Essentials as well as three extra custom print or digital designs.

03 / Website - A fully branded website created in squarespace to accompany your brand identity.

04 / Additional designs - Continued design support as your business grows.


The story behind the brand.